Kashmir the Land of Kashyapa

Celebrated author Dr C K Gariyali has produced her labour of love, her new book about Kashmir- titles Kashmir the Land is Kashyapa - the Saga of Kashmiri Pundits. This is a must read not only Kashmiri pundits but every Indian who takes pride in the great and ancient heritage of India. The book is full of nostalgia and sadness for all Kashmiri pundits who had to leave their home of 5000 years in 1990 to save their lives and honour. Yet it celebrates their glorious past, their achievements and their unique ancient culture. The book is available in Amazon kindle version for just 99 rupees .

The untold story of Kashmiri pundits should at last reach every nook and corner of the world.

Here is the link to the Ebook available to download from Amazon for Rs 99.00 https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08L5GLRJQ/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_Xz-HFbSZQQB0H

Please support the book and the cause by purchasing a copy at the earliest.