Smt. Indira Garyali
Late Smt. Indira Garyali, the Founder of the Saraswathi Educational Cultural and Charitable Trust was born on November 1928 in Srinagar in Kashmir. She is the daughter of (Late) Sri. T.C. Tiku, a Forest Official and wife of Dr. K.N. Garyali, a Freed Fighter and a Gandhian constructive worker. She moved to Delhi in 1948 with her husband. There she became a member of the 100-year-old Mahila Mandal established by Mrs. Haskar, mother of Kamala Nehru, at Sita Ram Bazaar. She engaged in voluntary work for national calamities, war victims and conducted feeding programmes in homes for the blind, old, handicapped, orphans as well as leprosy patients. She moved to Chennai in 1980 to live close to her daughter Dr C. K Garyali and family.
In 1986 Smt. Indira Garyali established the Saraswathi Educational Cultural and Charitable Trust, in memory of her husband, to promote the education of poor and neglected 'girl-child' and to impart vocational training to youth. She also believed in promoting Indian art and culture and painstakingly made a collection of heritage utensils of India with a view to set up a museum.